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 News Archive 2014

ISIS tweets out the hashtag #calamitywillbefalltheUS
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 7, 2014

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or ISIS, which is a spin off from the terrorist organization al-Qaeda, is using the hash tag #calamitywillbefallUS in order to warn the United States of their coming presence and future bombings inside the United States.

Tweets under the hash tag include the images of the World Trade Center being blown up, a cake with the words “Happy 911,” and a beheading. Daaghu, who tweeted out the “Happy 911” cake, tweeted, “We will do this again and we will celebrate again too.”

The new hashtag appeared after the U.S. began sending in drones and positioning the carrier, USS George H.W. Bush, along the Persian Gulf.

President Obama stated that the extra military support is being used to gather information on ISIS in order to assist the Iraqi military.

ISIS has taken over several towns in the northern parts of Syria and large portions of the Eastern parts of Iraq.

Due to ISIS having control over towns in both Syria and Iraq, there have been questions about whether the U.S. should place boots on the ground or join with Iran in order to nullify the national security threat that ISIS continues to pose.

President Obama ruled out any military cooperation with Iran, but he didn’t rule out placing American troops on the ground.

The questions concerning placing American troops on the ground became an issue after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that President Obama doesn’t need Congress’ approval to send American troops into Iraq.

During a press conference, President Obama told reporters that he will discuss with Congress and Iraqi officials any decision to place American troops on the ground.

President Obama also said that he believes the problems in Iraq will be solved through the political process, and that the U.S. government will continue to provide intelligence on ISIS to the Iraqi military.

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